


Release Date:

15 Oct 2017

Roberta Wilson

Roberta Wilson is a pastry chef living in Chicago. A baker by day, and a storyteller by night. Keeping a diary since grade school, fueled the love of words, and telling stories. Experience gives stories substance, and a great love for desserts, has given me a desire to follow this dream.

My parents were far from average, and because of this, they taught me to embrace the unusual ways that make me special. My late Father was a civil rights leader. He was one of the first in Kankakee County. Learning to be tough when you don’t think you’re strong enough, has been something I’ve lived my life doing, especially now that I don’t have my parents.

My love for baking and writing began during Summer vacations from school. I wasn’t old enough to drive or work yet, and so I baked cookies, and wrote stories. As I grew older, my experiences shaped my world, and I wrote them down.

Persistence is my daily tonic, and impossible things are just a dare waiting to be unleashed. I just want to tell really good stories, and make awesome pastries, and give memorable experiences. I have books that I love so much, I carry them in my purse. I hope my books will be just as good with hard work, and love.